Erotic Lesbian Stories: Five Sexy Tales

These adult fiction stories are all about the women.  In Caught in the Act, Ronnie’s playing with herself in her backyard when her neighbor Melody catches her at it…and takes things in a whole different direction.  Margie introduces Francis to girl on girl sex in Exploring.  Then Margie and Francie enjoy Margie’s new sex toy in Girl Play.  Last but definitely not least, Jackie’s Blog includes three fictional blog posts from a highly sexed woman, two of which describe her random experiences being seduced by two different women.

These lesbian erotika stories include lesbian sex, oral sex, public sex, first lesbian experiences, anal play/rimming, and a vibrator.

You can buy Erotic Lesbian Stories as an ebook at these locations:
Amazon Kindle
Apple iBookstore — coming soon
Barnes and Noble Nook
Carl’s Adult Books
Kobo — coming soon


My son had been acting up in class, so the teacher arranged a special meeting with me. My husband and I were going out to a party that evening and I had already gotten dressed. I thought I was presentable enough, but Ms. Aimes thought different.

She was young, looked barely old enough to be out of college, and dressed in the prim and appropriate way most second grade teachers do. I, on the other hand, had on a slinky purple dress that kept riding up my thighs. The dress…and nothing else. No underwear, no bra. I didn’t think it was noticeable, but I guess I leaned in the wrong direction or spread my legs a little too wide—something—and Ms. Aimes saw it.

She stayed very professional while we talked about my son. Then when we were done and I was about to get up and leave, she said, “Just one more thing.” She walked over and closed and locked the classroom door. The window shades were already closed against the late afternoon sun.

Ms. Aimes stalked over and stood close to me, hands on her hips. “Do you really think it’s appropriate to come to class with no undies on? Do you know what happens to girls who do naughty things like that?”

My pussy clenched. All of a sudden I saw things I hadn’t noticed before, like the round curve of her tits pushing against her white cotton button-down, the shapely legs beneath her baggy skirt. “No, ma’am,” I said, playing along.

“They get punished, that’s what happens.” Her voice had taken on the tone of a teacher talking to a young child, almost sing-song. “Are your ready for your punishment?”

Maybe. It depended. “What is it?”

She dropped to her knees and pushed my legs apart, slowly sliding my skirt up my thighs. “Bare, shaved pussies are asking to be licked.” She folded the last bit of fabric back so that my cunt sat naked before her. But her gaze rose. “Just like bare titties are begging to be touched. Pull your top down.”

I slowly pulled open the neck of the dress until my tits popped out.